

The fat in your stomach has healing properties. It contains stem cells that we can harvest to inject into your injured tendon, ligament, or joint. These stem cells have been proven to aid in the healing process of injured and damaged tissue.

Lipogems is a best-in-class, FDA-cleared option for patients who are between conservative therapy but not ready for major invasive surgery.

How Lipogems Works

Fat Harvesting Procedure

In a minimally invasive procedure, Dr. Sonali will make a tiny puncture through your skin and collect a small amount of fat from either your midsection or “love handles.”

Processing Your Fat

Next, the collected fat will be processed in a unique Lipogems device using a sterile saline solution to remove contaminants. During this process, your fat will be washed, rinsed, and resized into smaller clusters. The natural beneficial properties of your fat will remain intact.

Delivering Into The Body

Dr. Sonali will then use a small needle to inject the Lipogems tissue into the treatment site.

Multiple Treatment Areas

For patients who suffer from orthopedic conditions in multiple areas of their body, the Lipogems device can easily process the fat tissue to be used in those areas.

The Power Of Fat

Fat is a versatile tissue that plays an essential role in the way our body functions, but one of the most remarkable is the role that fat may play in how we heal. A variety of studies over many decades have been conducted exploring the healing potential of fat.

A variety of studies over many decades have been conducted exploring the healing potential of fat. 

Your own fat has the best quality tissue. Fat has 100-500 times more reparative cells than other similar tissue in the body.

Research has shown that as a person ages, their fat maintains its reparative properties unlike similar tissue, which may lose healing capacity with age.

Using your own tissue has minimal risk of rejection and infection.

Lipogems Benefits

  • High Standard of Care from a Trusted Orthopaedic Physician

  • FDA Cleared for Use in Orthopaedics and Arthroscopic Surgery

  • Minimally Invasive Procedure in the Office or Surgical Setting: Less than an hour for the procedure

  • Best Quality Tissue: Your own fat is the highest quality tissue

  • Pure: Only uses saline to wash away the impurities such as blood, oil, and cell debris

  • May be Used in Multiple Treatment Sites on A Patient in A Single Setting

  • Minimal Risk of Rejection or Infection since you are using your own tissue